Python script editor plugin for Unreal Engine
Default user data directory: [ProjectContent]/PythonScriptEditor/
This is where your tab python files and snippets will be saved, We recommend changing this to a local location to avoid stepping on each others changes if multiple artists are working on a project.
Recommended to change this to:
~/Library/Application Support/UnrealEngine/PythonScriptEditor
Tabs are stored in: [UserDataDirectory]/ScriptEditorTabs/
Variable | Default | Description |
Python API documentation URL |
- | Script editor documentation URL |
Snippets are stored in: [UserDataDirectory]/PythonSnippets.json
A snippet can optionally use the selection, if RequiresSelection is true, it will replace %SELECTION% with the currently selected text.
Example snippet:
"Name": "Print Selected",
"Category": "Debug",
"Snippet": "print(%SELECTION%)",
"RequiresSelection": true